Sunday, August 3, 2008

Aug 3-10


Duet 1:1-3:22

Isaiah 1:1-27

Acts 9:1-21, 1Timothy 3:1-7


Meg McCool said...

Notice the shift in Moses speak. It's moved from "God said to Moses..." to "then God said to me." This is really powerful because it's Moses' story. It's one long 37-day filibuster testimony. And in Dt 33:16, Moses mentions for THE FIRST TIME to people listening that God is "one who dwells in the bush." would think that he would have mentioned this vulnerable intimate encounter before now. Again..his testimony.

Notice the difference between the spies account in Numbers where God tells Moses to send spies to the Dueteronomy account that the people of Israel asked for spies. The Chasidic rabbis argue that this is because Moses is such a good friend of God that he is so in tune with God's heart that he does what's right.

Erwin McManus talks about the vagueness of God's will like this..."When trying to figure out what to do. Love God, and do what you want."

In the Acts portion we have Paul's testimony.

Meg McCool said...
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