Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aug 11-17

(And, I Pleaded)

Deut 3:23-7:11

Isaiah 40:1-26

Matthew 23:31-39

Mark 12:28-34

1 comment:

Meg McCool said...

two times Moses mentions that "there is none other" than God. Chassidic rabbis talk about how the usual interpretation for this is that there are no other gods. But perhaps a clearer picture of what is meant in the text is that there literally is no other existence but God's!!!

The rabbi's used the picture of the sun. We percieve sunlight as some distinct from the sun itself. But the one who would be sitting inside the sun only sees sunlight as a part of itself. So "Light" in our world is a perfect example of the sole existence of God. God sees creation as just a part of is no different. Just as if we sat inside the sun we would not distinguish sunlight from sun. Creation bears witness to God.


We are the LIGHT
and Jesus is the "SUN of righteousness" Malachi 4

Also, the Parashah contains the shema. "The Lord is One" the word there for "one" is echad...or uniquely in unison, or one made up of many parts.
In corinthians Paul calls each of us unique and seperate parts that make up one body!!!