Monday, February 4, 2008

Feb 2.9th

This week's Parashah is:Terumah (Contribution)

Exodus 25:-27:19

I Kings 5:26-6:13

2 Corinthians 9:1-9:15

Matthew 5:33-5:37

1 comment:

mslosar said...

2 Cor. 6-12 gives a blueprint for the Circle of Financial Success.

This financial success journey starts with tithing out of obedience.

but you move into the circle at v. 7, giving out of joy and from your heart to, v. v10, he who supplied it in the first place will increase your storehouse, and in v. 11, so you can continue to be generous, and in this way v. 11b, God is glorified. Others are blessed v. 12 which results in more glorification and thanksgiving, and the receiver can now be giving out of their heart and out of God's grace.

And, your storehouse continues to be filled by the supplier, to the sower.

Randy Alcorn in the Treasure Principle says it this way, "God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving".