Monday, December 3, 2007

TOW Dec 1-8

This week's Parsha is "Miketz":"at the end of"

Genesis 41:1-44:17
Ikings 3:15-4:1
Romans 10:1-10:13


john hinkebein said...

Ok...I read the text for this week and I am thinking something a little different. I have really enjoyed doing the text of the week but when does it, or does it, make the shift to going into Christmas? I have not gotten to look at the TOTW for the next few weeks and maybe it does I dont know??? I think the stuff we have been talking about is really good but does anyone else think that we should take the turn into talking about the birth of Christ? To me I really enjoy the birth of Christ story durning the christmas season and to me it makes sense that we make the shift to talking about that. Any thought?

Meg McCool said...

I know the reason it doesn't "make the shift" is that all of the "New Testament" scripture has been added the the already existant "Jew Testament" Parsha scriptures that have existed in the order for centuries.

Meg McCool said...

The shift from "self righteousness" to "Christ righteousness"-"For being ignorant of the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness."-Romans 10:3

One sentence popped into my head rather clearly..."the difference between doing right and bring right with God."

This Parshah is about discernment, wisdom, but most of all how righteousness is in the hearts of those who know God. both of these men (Joseph and Solomon) what they were doing in the testing of their subjects was technically right. But, look at Solomon with the baby...the heart of God looks to those motivated by love.The "judgement" has everything to do with love.
Interestingly, Hebres 5:14 talks of "solid food."
"But the solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."
JN 6 "I am the bread of life," Jesus is our solid food who gives us the only true righteousness.

Seeking the Vine said...

Genesis 41

God once again blesses those he SERVES because God has found favor in Joseph and has a plan for his life. We see the true essence of kingship in Joseph and the expected nature of king which is to be a rescuer and a servant of the people. Joseph rules just as was his dream implied but his rule is established through service and the benefit he provides to those who are less fortunate.

Question(s): Is there a basis other than this chapter which indicates that the repetition of a dream (twice) is indication that "the matter has been determined by God, and that God will soon carry it out.
If so, would the second dream indicate a quick closure of the matter? (Intrigued)

Seeking the Vine said...


I haven't looked but you can check on the hebrew4christans website. There is an archive list with the order of all the readings and the verses.

I like the story too but I have to admit that I am really enjoying these readings as well. Not sure I prefer one over the other.

I recently heard a teacher speak on how the text when read in context of the gospel should always refer back Christ. If this is possible, I would think you could find the story told or foreshadowed somewhere. (Hint perhaps even in Genesis 41 maybe.)

Ryan Miller said...

seeking the vine- what's your email b/c i have some cool stuff in addition to the servant theme and reality that relates to vision/dreams...

Ken Ramirez said...
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Ken Ramirez said...

Last week someone asked where these scriptures come from. One of the earlier comments referred to the site Hebrew4Christians and it has a ton of details on it that help explain the Parsha. Here's the URL:

Don't think Blogger lets you put direct links, so you'll have to cut and paste the three sections of the link above to make one long URL to get the link to work.