Sunday, November 4, 2007

TOW Nov 4-11

This week's Parsha is:

Genisis 25:19-28:9
Malachi 1:1-2:7
Romans 9:1-31


Ryan Miller said...

"Esau held a grudge... (and he married the hoochie mommas of the wrong tribe making a bold statement to his daddy)" v. 41

Sure, we can talk about the controversy regarding the biblical statement, "Jacob I have loved... Esau I have hated." We can discuss the ongoing theological "discussion" regarding election/predestination/being chosen, etc. However, I fear that this discussion is simply another nasty implication of the messy narrative that jumped out at me today. The next thing we will find is a bunch of meaningless "debates" and more reasons to argue once again. We might as well call on the 'ole Council of Nicea or something ...
It seems to me that this narrative is less about God's election along with the doctrine of predestination and more about the decisions we make in the "flesh" so to speak. Before I get a bunch of emails, I will make the following declaration: Yes, GOD IS SOVEREIGN!
So, what's the deal with Jacob and Esau? What's the underlying issue? What's really at stake here?

Note the following:
parents showing favorites... tribes fighting over water wells... envy leading to deceit... bitterness turning into wrath and contempt... more self entitlement versus what could have been an attitude of gratitude - grateful inheritance...

These ongoing stories are filled with envy, deceit, power plays, disrespect and a begrudging attitude toward the beauty of family that God wanted to put together from the beginning of time.

For me, the key word and reality is the kingdom concept... HONOR!

Jacob - the Deceiver - and Esau - the Hairy Boy - were both at fault. And, they both had to deal with their consequences.

Put yourself in Esau's shoes. Sure, you are a bit ticked off!From a natural perspective of justice you might feel the urge to kick some Jacob hiney! Momma was at fault. Daddy was at fault. Jacob was a brat.

But, the question for Esau and the rest of us is this: How do we respond in the wasteland filled with jackals? How do we react to God, our brothers, sisters and enemimes/adversaries when they wrong us?

Why do we feel the need to claw our way to the top? At what point will we learn to rest in the place and posture of SHALOM God has intended for us as a family? Do we only honor God when we inherit fame, fortune, "blessing", or do we honor him during the difficult (and many times) stupid debates over water wells, birthrights, heartaches, etc.?

How do we handle "many nations" since that seems to be an ongoing reality every day of our existance? Do we fight a nuclear war w/ nuclear weapons? Do we fight bad words with more abusive, harsher language, creating a vocabulary that stings our opponents as the "scum of the earth?"

At the end of the day should we ask ourselves the heartwrenching question, controversial question, "Should HE shut the temple doors?" due to our lack of honor and respect for Him and humankind... creation? ... due to our hardened hearts filled with disregard for those he has placed in authority - pastors, teachers, principals, peers, governors, GOD!!!?

So, what good is a nasty grudge at the end of the day when the answer is simply to HONOR?


Meg McCool said...

Genesis 25:29-34- I call it the "Esau Complex," it is our tendency as people with enormous Christ-potential to "despise our birthright" in the Kingdom of Heaven!
Phil 3:20-21 calls us "citizens of Heaven"
Hebrews 12:16 warns us not to sell our birthright for "temporary pleasures"
And in the famed Nicodemus passage the Hebrew for "born again" is actually close to "born from above"...that’s right, Kingdom! -JN 3:1-8

- “Wells”- Isn’t it great how Isaac redigs all of those wells of Abraham that the Philistines filled in? Do you catch how this dude is FIGHTING for his HERITAGE? Gen 26:12-22 and the way Isaac digs a well when God appears to him reminds me of Abraham’s “tree” and later we will see Jacob and his “stones.” HMMM…”well”(water) tree, and stones…sound familiarly like God?

Romans 9:8, 14-16, 20-21
We are called to be “born from above,” but our heritage is in “God’s mercy.” Anyway you cut it, the very name of God is “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy”-Ex 33:19. Look back to Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, he talks about the “spirit” and “wind”…how it blows wherever it wants to. Yeah, God is a little bit like the wind. Our “filthy rags” or our “works” get us nowhere with our inheritance. We are obedient only because his “wind” decided to blow on us a convict us to action, “my conscience bears me witness.”
It’s a gift, praise God for the wind and any softening that we are fortunate enough to receive!

At the end of the Romans passage Paul quotes Is 28:16, read one verse down (17) and it talks about the “plumb line”- check out Jesus’ genealogy Lk 3:27, now read Zech 4:7-10 (plumb line!). Crazy huh?

M said...

"I have loved you deeply," says the Lord. Malachi 1:2 NLT

I really wasn't planning on posting a comment this week. But I was led to read the section in Malachi again this morning and after I read verse 2, I knew I had to post.

I'm sure that all of you know that God loves you. But do you know that at core of your being? Have you experienced His love in the inner most depths of your spirit? Have you seen a glimpse of the depths of His love for you?

Imagine the deepest, most intense, passionate and all-consuming love of a mother for her child. God loves you more than that. Have you experienced that kind of love from Him?

Everything we need in this world, peace, hope, strength, healing, etc. can be found in the love of God.

“When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:14-19 NLT

This past weekend at the women's retreat God did so many awesome and wonderful things in our lives. He healed me of sickness so that I could attend and He healed me of some physical limitations while I was there. But the greatest gift of all was the display and experience of His love for me at a depth I could have never imagined. Even if God had healed me 100% and I had come home without spina bifida and diabetes and all of that, those things could never compare to the gift of His love.

I wish that I could describe my experience better, but there aren't words in any language that can come close. I don't even think it's possible to understand in your mind. It is something you just have to experience.

Dayenu!! It would have been enough Lord to know that you love me!

Michelle Bondanza

Seeking the Vine said...

Wow! This week is just so rich I don't know where to start.

There is the illustration of generational sin clearly illustrated here. Adam & Eve disobey. (If you look at the names of Cain ("to aquire") and Abel ("God is my Father"), it might have been possible that God was not pleased with Cain's offering possibly because he tried to 'deceive' God and return something as a offering which God had not given him in the first place (ie. disobediance gives way to deception and murder). In other words, Cain's heart was not with God's heart but on his own wisdom. In response, Cain takes Abel's life. When we get to the story of Abraham, we again see deception and sin in his life but it is manifest in the fear of men, thus fear of men leads to deception and possible murder (to destroy someones reputation or honor would be considered murder as well). The story of Jacob and Esau is no different. There is diobediance, disrespect, lack of self control, deception, greed..... The seed of sin is planted and seems to proprogate new sins passed from person to person like a DNA code. Each generation or gene pool becoming more and more contaminated.

However, God makes it very clear that despite our sin nature and inability to be sinless. He is faithful and keeps his promises and covenents to his children even when we can't do the same. Again reinforcing the fact that we are forgiven by grace and not by works or faith.

I find it interesting that Jacob seems to trace back over Abrahams footsteps. This is a good glimpse at the oral tradition of sharing personal testamony and the Hebrew ways of passing God's word on in the oral tradition. I see this as Jacob not only trying to connect to his family in a different way but also to draw himself closer to God. He is seeking God and God is seeking him. Abrahams stories are coming alive to Jacob and God is writing them on his heart in new ways so that he too will have a deep relationship with his heavenly Father.
Esau? What can I say...he is just clueless it seems?

Ryan Miller said...

Be aware of the things which you inherit!

It seems there is a very strong connection between the jacob/israel vs. esau/ edom narrative matched up w/ the samuel vs. eli's sons story! (Jesus/disciples v. high priest/Sad's... US AND ______)

1 Samuel 2:30 "Therefore the LORD, the God of Israel, declares: 'I have promised that your house would minister before me forever.' But now the Lord declares: 'Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained."

Dissing one's existance esta no bueno, senor Esau!

Be aware of your birthright. HONOR Him with unceasing joy and praise in all things!

Thank offerings (however that manifests today) appear to be very important. Also, showing no partiality in the matters of the ways of the LORD (Mal. 2)...

We have inherited quite a bit by the way.


Seeking the Vine said...
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Seeking the Vine said...

Malachi 1:1-2:7 (Wheres my soapbox?)

Father, mother, sister, brother,

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, let this be a reminder to give thanks to God for his generous heart.

I don't know about those reading the comments today. I, however, grew up in a tight knit community where my family had lived for 4 generations. It was often hard to go and do anything without running into someone you knew or who knew someone in the family. (Can you say no privacy?) Like most kids, as soon as I got a chance to spread my wings and fly on my own, I took it with great excitement.

Once arriving in college, I soon found that I was in radically new surroundings. You see until I was 19, I could only think of 3 couples that had been divorced. (NO, I am not 60!) I had only known of 1 teenage pregancy. In fact, I will go so far as to say that "The Brady Bunch" wasn't really all that far from real in my world.

One day, I was a child. The next day, I was a child in college who had absolutely no clue what I was walking into. (Perhaps, that is one of the reasons, I am not likely to put my children into private institutions. I want them to be exposed to diversity and challenge while they are under my roof. Otherwise they may find themselves as vunerable as I found myself without a lifeline nearby.) I wish that there had been strong authority figures in my life at this critical time and in near proximity. But my choice (without regrets), lead me to a distant land that looked very different from what I left behind.

Today, a child is lucky to have parents much less an extended family to support them. They seek refuge in other children or anyone who is willing to reach out to them. Within the context of the church, it is no wonder people have such a hard time identifying with God "The Father". So many are trying to forget their father or simply wondering what that looks like. Be a father or mother to a child, any child! Love them let yourself be hurt by them and loved by them. Let God reveal himself to YOU though them and to THEM through you.

It is not a task to be taken lightly no matter if you are a priest, governer, father, mother, sister, friend or even reguarded as enemy by someone. Eyes are watching you as a follower of Christ. Everything you do has the potential to transform a life. Words are cheap but actions speaks loudly! Especially consistant action.....

Take up your cross and bear it ... defeat those flesh filled urges no matter how hard or painful. You just might save a life by sacrificing yours.

On a slightly different note....
if you are fortunate enough to have had something that resembles a family. Remember this! God isn't satisfied being your football coach. He isn't satisfied being your guardian angel. He isn't satisifed being your local police officer. He isn't satified being your great grandfather (known only through stories) or grandfather (only bringing gifts). He wants to be your Father (real, in your face and in your arms)! He wants intimacy with your heart like the bride to her bridegroom. That is how close He wants to be to you and each of his children. All you have to do is seek Him and you will find Him.

Seeking the Vine said...

Romans 9:1-31

Fresh hot cinnamon rolls just like my grandma use to a child that was one of the smells and tastes of love. The smell of Grandma's house was intoxicating.

She is 97 now. We managed to get a recipe from her (a couple of different times because the first one was missing a key ingredient). You see she didn't have a recipe. She just made them.

Having worked in the food industry for several years. There are a few rules that seem to always hold true. (1) People don't know how to follow instructions. They may try (or not) but usually it just doesn't work out all the time. "Oh, I thought I was suppose to put the cardboard in the oven with the pizza!"(2) The results aren't always the same in different environments. "I made it just like I usually do,so why is it taking so long in your oven?"
(3)Creativity or the "best thing" is often stifled by following the rules. This point is well made by one cooking diva that is quite popular these days. "Sandra's Semi-homeade" for example can make something that was once so ordinary into something spectacular without even breaking a sweat! OK.. now I am thinking about that gal on the FitnessTv channel....ugh...

This is true with everything. We may not all be grandmothers, cooks, mechanics, artists but we are all works of art, loved, wanted and useful. The fact is God can use us at our worst and our best. It all comes down to our choice.

I think this is why we see the wording differences in "God hardend their hearts" (at that moment we are a tool) vs "Pharoah hardened his heart" (he made a choice to be molded or not). I hope we are able to all see and know the difference. There are tremendous blessings in letting God fashion us into "a good thing".

Rules are helpful but sometimes it takes a heart filled with passion to see the love that wrote the rules. Knowing God through His laws and commandments are the "next best thing" not the original. We were too afraid to accept the real thing the first time around. Make sure to get the "best" not the "next best".

Anonymous said...

God says through Malachi, "My name,My altar, My covenant..."

All through the Malachi verses not only is God referred to as the LORD of Hosts or the LORD All-Powerful (like 11 times!) but they are also written in the first person.

Do we really realize that every single thing belongs to God? He owns it ALL! ( and orchestrates it ALL.)

How much more careful and mindful would we be... and how much more would we share and be willing
to give up ownership if everything we came across had a label on it that read something like... "God's SUV," "God's landscaping," "God's hairbrush," "God's food," and "God's money," "God's pat on the back" and "God's children?"

All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God's providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 AMP

To him belong strength and victory;
both deceived and deceiver are his.
Job 12:16

"Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.'
Matthew 27:63