Monday, October 8, 2007

Week of Oct. 6-13

This week's Parsha is:
Gen 6:9-11:32, Isa 54:1-55:5, Mt 24:36-46, 1 Peter 3:18-22

10 Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,"
says the LORD, who has compassion on you.- Isa. 54:10


Meg McCool said...

TOW: "He was a mighty hunter before the LORD. Therefore it is said, "Like Nimrod a might hunter before the LORD."-Gen 10:9
nim·rod (nĭm'rŏd') Pronunciation Key
n. A person regarded as silly, foolish, or stupid.
Why is that so funny to me?

"the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"-Gen 6:5 that's the reason the flood happened. "the thoughts of man's heart." No one can truly search them except for God. "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD." I believe that the flood was not destruction but

redemption for the sake of righteousness.

Trace Noah's line back....God was perseving Noah's clan from the truly twisted others.

We project US onto GOD.
God sees us as humans with some twisted intentions.

The COVENANT is an illustration of LOVE. In Christ the laws of covenants are more like guideposts. If we are people under Jesus who are broken and redeemed...then when we break the laws God is calling us to look at the heart of the matter. The Covenant and laws are what love LOOKS like, the inside of the cup, we have to move past the outside(mt 23).
-Promise That Stands
-Work with God

Gen 8:21
relief from Adam's curse.
We are dirt Jer 17:9
1Peter 3:20-21- Baptism is NOT the "removal of dirt "but an appeal for good conscience"-PEACE

Have peace in broken humanity because redemption is beautiful.

Ryan Miller said...

I too find the name, Nimrod, hilarious, Meg! Let's just say it again, "Nimrod!"
(giggle giggle...)
Okay, now an honest confession: I am a nimrod! I am just like the Nephilim: wicked men who are "fallen" except I didn't look at my beloved bride like a caveman and say, "She pretty, me want!" ... CLUB!
Yet, sometimes I do wonder why she married me... the Nimrod!
We often get so fixated on our posture of being a Nimrod, though, don't we? There are some seriously awesome stories of God's redemption through the flood narrative, the calling of Abram after the Tower of "Confusion," the restoration of Israel seen again in Isaiah's prophecy, the pursuit of the Gentiles and the coming of the Son of Man to set it all straight someday! However, the wickedness of my heart lingers... the wickedness of the entire world lingers in my mind... the cruelty, pride, envy, lust, hatred and death!!!
It's a bit much, right? Even the author of Genesis declared that God's heart was filled with pain. Dang!
That breaks my heart that we have broken God's heart.
Isn't that why the continuous, persistent, real life stories of COVENANT LOVE are so breathtaking and unbelievably powerful?
He PURSUES us! Even though he says, "NO!" to corruption and evil, in the midst of our wickedness, Christ died for the ungodly. That's how much he loves his beloved creation.
There seems to be this flow of life and death. We have touched on it every week for about a month now.
God breathes life!
Choose life!
We don't...
He takes some away.
God brings comfort!
Choose peace!
We don't...
He shows us a life of unrest...
God brings compassion!
Choose love!
We don't...
He shows us a world of evil corruption and hatred.
And, we continue to shut him out again and again.
I agree w/ Meg, "I believe that the flood was not the destruction but redemption for the sake of righteousness."
What does God desire?
TO DO JUSTICE/righteousness
What do we do?
Act like Nimrods...
God says, "I give you everything! ... life, love, food, and a covenant w/ me! Just obey and walk w/ me!"
Then, we see ourselves building towers again. Yes, Ryan is 'da man! Look what the Nimrod can do now (as we pat ourselves on the back in ignorant bliss)!
We compete w/ God's kingdom, and all he desires is for us to live in His glorious, majestic kingdom.
We screw up and He says, "Sing, barren woman... with deep compassion I will bring you back..."
Let's learn from our ancestors. Let's learn from Nimrod.
Let's learn from the sinful, Jewish nation.
Let's learn from the church in America.
Let's learn from our jacked up mistakes we make every day w/ those we love...
Live in the covenant. Be renewed by the baptism of Jesus.
Water... yes, sweet water...
God has surely given the Nimrod's of the world his splendor and unfailing love.
Again... choose life and be bathed by the baptism of Jesus the Christ!


Anonymous said...

Actually, Matthew Henry and A.W. Tozer said...

And in the warning given to Noah, there is a more solemn warning given to us, to flee from the wrath to come, which will sweep the world of unbelievers into the pit of destruction. Christ, the true Noah, which same shall comfort us, hath by his sufferings already prepared the ark, and kindly invites us by faith to enter in. While the day of his patience continues, let us hear and obey his voice.
~Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible Genesis 6:22

Tozer Daily Devotional

...For every Noah there is always a vast multitude who will not believe it is going to rain.

We are sent to bless the world, but never are we told to compromise with it. The Next Chapter After the Last, 20-21.

"Lord, give me the spirit of Elijah; give me the faith of Noah. Deliver me from the scramble for popularity and strengthen me to serve alone, oblivious to the roar of the crowds. Amen."

Taken from Literature Minitries International

Anonymous said...

(warning, I have had lots of coffee today)

During Scott’s stage diatribe on Sunday, my mind wandered to a question I have always wrestled with (I call it Jewish/Indian leg wrestling). Why a flood?. I think I mentioned to Robert during Israel 2 that I thought the flood was actually a war-which seems to always be the case that is allowed by G-d when a disobedient Israel just won’t listen.

Why a flood? Why not a war, famine, plague? Not why did G-d do it, but why did he use water?
Then it hit me. Baptism. The first Mik’veh-the ritual of cleansing oneself before the Lord. He flooded the world with his “chet/grace” to wash it clean. After this, we have Mik’veh as a ritual of the Jewish life. G-d sends living water to help us out-again.

Scott explained that there were 8 people on the ark-Noah/Wife, His three sons and their wives. The number 8=the word “chet” in Hebrew=Grace. Numbers mean everything in the bible. But I kept thinking-why 8-but if you look at it in the bible, its actually 2 + 6. “and on the sixth day, G-d created man”. 2 (adam/eve) + 6 (husbands and wives) .

All of the future of humanity is being carried by the ark. After all is wiped out, Noah/wife are the only parents on earth. The kids are humanity.

The word “basket” is translated as “tei-vah” in Hebrew-our literal meaning is “Ark”. It is ONLY used two times in the bible-for Noah’s basket and one other time-the small basket that Moses is placed into as he is sent through the living waters. It’s funny, the ark of the covenant is not used with this word-and now I understand why. Teivah is only used with Humanity. When Noah and his wife (Adam and Eve) and his 3 sons/3 wives=6 (being the day that man was created) are carried in the basket of life-that can only be supported by living water. I need to look forward to Moses to understand why only one was carried?

So, that’s why it HAD to be water. We have to have the cleaning to occur-to which G-ds spirit then released –which is the Creation Story. But there is more going on here.

Noah first sends out a Raven-did you ever catch that? The raven goes/comes back many times. Jewish Torah states that the raven is going/bringing food back to Noah. Where else do we hear about a raven taking care of someone? Forshadowing Elijah-he is taken care of by “ravens” who bring him food. More side bar weirdness-in Genesis-the Rainbow is not actually the point (my opinion). It’s the cloud and the rain. G-d states that he will send the clouds and rain-and the rainbow (order is critical in the Torah) will be the symbol of his covenant. But first it’s a cloud followed by Rain. What does Elijah do in 1 Kings 18 when he challenges the king?

After the severe famine and a series of many other cool events- he sends his servant over to the sea and to report back on what is seen.
43 "Go and look toward the sea," he told his servant. And he went up and looked.
"There is nothing there," he said.
Seven times Elijah said, "Go back."
44 The seventh time the servant reported, "A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea."
So Elijah said, "Go and tell Ahab, 'Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.' "

Now back to Noah. After the ravens, he sends out a dove-His spirit-to “hover over the waters”-but the dove/spirit returns to him. He waits one week (7 days) How long was the act of creation? Boom. The creation story all over again. How long does Noah wait before he sends out the second dove? 7 days-after resting? Sabbath. But on the second time, the spirit of G-d stays with the earth-just like creation-and the waters recede and earth is born anew-again. Sounds like Baptism to me.

….so this is why Jesus HAD to enter the water with John the Baptist in Mik’veh/Baptism and then the heavens part-and the spirit of G-d “hovers over the waters”-to fulfill all righteousness. Creation/rebirth. At that moment, we have a different Jesus.

Follow up from Bryan on this Midrash-Think about the next time that G-d “cleanses” a bad situation. What does he do? But he uses something different this time-what?

more to follow….(and I will lay off the coffee)

Anonymous said...

Scott asked for the references to "Tievah" and a new understanding that came my way last night while researching.

From Essential Torah by George Robinson page 87:
…The Hebrew word for Noakh’s (Noahs) boat, "tievah", appears only one other time in the Torah, when it is used to indicate the basket in which Moshe (Moses) is placed when he is set adrift in the Nile.

And apparently, the word "Teivah" also means the “word”. The Torah uses Teivah only twice apparently-but is meant many other times when you see it as the word of G-d.

From the Jewish sages:

The Hebrew word for ark, 'teivah', also means 'word'. "Come into the word", says the Almighty, enter within the words of prayer and Torah study. Here you will find a sanctuary of wisdom, meaning and sanctity amidst the raging floodwaters of life.
And for you Seminary types:
R. Israel Baal Shem [Tov], peace be upon him, said:
“Make a light for the teivah (ark) [and finish it to (the width of) an amah (cubit) on high . . .].” (Genesis 6:16) This means that the teivah (word) 1 should shine. [This will be understood by the following:]
Every letter contains “worlds, souls and Divinity.” 2 These ascend and become bound up and united with one another, with Divinity. The letters then unite and become bound together to form a word [teivah], becoming truly unified in Divinity. Man, therefore, must include his soul in each of these aspects. 3 All worlds will then be unified as one and ascend, and this effects immeasurably great joy and delight. 4
This is the meaning of “[make it with] bottom, second and third [stories]” (ibid.), referring to “worlds, souls and Divinity;” 5 [for “The Holy One, blessed is He,] has three worlds [in which He is concealed]” (Zohar III:159a 6).
With every word you must hear what you say, because it is the Shechinah [Herself], the “World of Speech,” who speaks, 7 provided that [the word] has a “light,” i.e., that it emerges with brightness 8 and to bring gratification to your Maker. This requires great faith, as the Shechinah is referred to as “true faithfulness” (Isaiah 25:1; see Zohar I:22a and III:16b). 9 Without faith, it is, Heaven forbid, a case of “he that murmurs separates the Master [of the universe].” (Proverbs 16:28) 10
[The concluding phrase] “finish it to an amah (cubit) on high” means “to imah (the ‘mother’).” 11
Alternatively one can interpret as follows:
Once the word has left your mouth there is no need to mind it any more. That is, one does not see it ascend to the higher realm, just as one is not able to look at the sun. This is the meaning of “finish it on high.” 12
One can achieve this by “Come into the teivah, you with all your family” (Genesis 7:1), i.e., with all of your body and strength. 13

So, is this why the disciples were asked on the sermon on the mount to “feed” everyone with what kind of basket(s)? only to have it feed and always replenished? So the dual meaning of the ark/basket and carrying the “bread of life/word” being symbolized at once?

and follow up from Bryan Dunham:
This is hopping around a bit maybe, but I would say that the "word" in the feeding of the five thousand is very interesting since they had HOW MANY LOAVES? and HOW MANY FISH? Numerology... 5 loaves = 5 books of the Torah = the Word.... 2 fish... 2 tablets.... God told Jeremiah to EAT the scrolls and speak the words... they tasted good like honey by the way.

Anonymous said...

Follow up comments from the first Noah experience:

When a computer hacker is trying to break into a computer or a website, he is trying to “seize root”-the dna of the software code. After you have access to the root code, you can go anywhere within the program.

Ramblings from last night:

If you read the Jewish Commentary (passed on by Bryan), you will find that there are 8 people that are potentially saved at Sodom and Gommorah (sp?). 4 actually leave, but 4 stay behind.

G-d doesn’t like what he sees, and boom, wipe out again. Obviously the flood is out of the question since He has already agreed to not using that arsenal again. But he uses “fire” this time to wipe out the inhabitants of the earth. Fire. Why fire.

Matthew 3:11
"I baptize you with water for repentance (Noah). But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit (creation/baptism/dove) and with fire.

Next up, burning bush, Jericho is burned down etc. etc. etc. G-d is now seen with fire as his symbol. To have heaping coals on you is to have the spirit of G-d placed upon you. (they marched around how many times? And in what order did they do something each time?)

But something else-when Noah gets off the ark, G-d tells him it’s ok to eat meat now. Why? Where are the plants? There aren’t any-yet. But He is given a law (becomes the start of the commandments-the seven “Noahide” laws). You can’t eat the limb of a living animal. It has to be dead-its “soul” has to be removed. The Jewish people believed blood was the life force-soul of G-d within man.

So, during Passover, what would you be wiping over your doorway before the next big move by G-d when he is tired of #6 again?

More randomness-
Abraham is visited by three visitors (Gen18:1….) 2 leave and one stays back and warns him about the pending wrath. G-d stays back and has a conversation w/G-d about how many good people are left (apparently 8). They leave, Boom, and everything starts over again. One more-How many people visit Mary/Joseph (2) and what do they warn them of what is coming and what they should do?
Matthew 2:11-15
….."Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him." 14So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, 15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."[f]
16When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.

I’m guessing that something changes with Abraham about Humanity becoming the symbol of one. Maybe this is why there is only Moses in the Tievah of G-d and not 5 others.

Anonymous said...

Last comment before leaving for week 2. Robert had asked me what about the olive branch-when I noted that all the inhabitants of the ark could eat were meat.

(I have a correction to make about the Ravens. I have missed this before. G-d uses instruments to forshadow events to come. The Ravens do feed Elijah meat and bread in the future, but they do not leave the ark.)

From Berieshit (Genesis) Chapter 8 vs 11-12

11. And the dove returned to him at eventide, and behold it had plucked an olive leaf in its mouth; so Noah knew that the water had abated from upon the earth.
(rashi’s commentary) it had plucked Heb. טָרָף,“he plucked.” The Midrash Aggadah explains it טָרָף as an expression of food, and interprets בְּפִיהָ as an expression of speech. It [the dove] said: Let my food be as bitter as an olive in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, and not as sweet as honey in the hands of flesh and blood. — [Sanh. 108b] \b 12\b0

12. And he again waited another seven days, and he sent forth the dove, and it no longer continued to return to him.

I would take it from Rashi that the earth had started growing-but there wasn’t fruit yet? Still hunting on what led me there.

Here’s another interesting summary about Noah while searching about the branch and meat:

….We are all descendants of Noah. Noah is descendent of Adam, so we're all sons of Adam, too. But the term used by the Talmud and Halachah (Torah law) for humanity as a whole is B'nei Noach ("sons of Noah"). The seven universal laws of morality that are binding upon every human being (prohibiting idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, adultery and incest, and cruelty to animals, and mandating the establishment of courts of justice) are called "The Seven Noachide Laws" -- even though six of them were actually commanded to Adam.

Adam was the first man. Noah was the first human being.

Onto the “wanderers” for this week….